Sunday, May 10, 2020

On Mother's Day We Remember

On Mother's Day we remember A mother’s love opened the world to everything new Take my hand she smiled
Let us cross together And so it began

Monday, May 4, 2020

The blind man gardens (another poem for the pandemic)

The blind man gardens

My father said, I believe
in trees

wildflowers blooming
in the shadow of the falling

And these little yellow
five tiny petals

opening each tender stem
A twiggy thing
green leafed


How many of them now
Count them for me

He said, Son,
they are my beloved
Mow around them as you go

Scentless prairie flowers
the ash of what
once blazed

Imagine the world
without us

Some thoughts for Lent on insufficiency and the body's theology of need (plus a poem)

The body's theology, is a theology of need, of insufficiency. This is my meditation for Lent; the fact that built into each and every on...