Sunday, January 19, 2020

On the president who would be king

For some reason our current president keeps reminding me of King Saul, the first king of Israel. I really don't know whether there is any parallel to be drawn, but I keep thinking of Saul and that passage in 1 Samuel 8 (v. 11-18) wherein Samuel warns the people against wanting a king.  I remember that God tells Samuel to let the people have what they want, but He also tells Samuel that they aren't going to like it. So, what was it the people of Israel wanted? Why did they want a king?  And why did we want this particular president, who --at times-- seems to think he is our king? Anyway, here are two poems inspired by the president.

For Donald Trump’s impeachment

This is the president
we elected without regard for who

he was. We wanted him
for our own,

he demanded nothing

of us. And we demanded

but that he be our king
and that he please

break something
on his way to the throne.

At least the monotony.

Lest we forget:
Samuel stood before the people
warning them

yet still they hungered
for a king.

The blind man runs for president

knowing only darkness
his platform proclaims
he alone is best suited
to recognize the light

by touch
he can find the sun

What a father teaches

 I recently had a poem published by the Texas Poetry Assignment . The poem is entitled " What a father teaches."  It is mostly tru...